女,2011年毕业于荷兰鹿特丹Erasmus 大学,获得环境经济学博士学位。梁晓从博士期间开始在环境经济领域从事研究,已发表SSCI收录英文论文2篇,SCI收录英文论文4篇,EI收录英文论文1篇,ECONIS收录英文论文1篇,其他英文论文篇,国际会议英文论文8篇,以及出版个人英文著作《The Economics of Sustainable Urban Water Management: the Case of Beijing》。同时,她担任两本国际知名SCI学术期刊:Journal of Environmental Management和 Science of Total Environment 的审稿人。
1998.9-2002.6 上海交通大学安泰经管学院,获经济学学士学位;
2004.9-2005.12 荷兰鹿特丹Erasmus大学( Erasmus University Rotterdam) ,获发展经济学硕士学位;
2006.9-2011.10 荷兰鹿特丹Erasmus大学( Erasmus University Rotterdam),获经济学博士学位
2014- 至今,讲师,澳门永利集团官方入口官网
2006-2010, 助理研究员, 联合国教科文组织水利研究所, 荷兰
2011, The Economics of Sustainable Urban Water Management: the Case of Beijing, 出版社:Taylor & Francis Group (独著)
2017,Urban Governance in the Realm of Complexity,出版社:Practical Action Publishing (UK)
X.Liang and X. Yue, 2021, Challenges facing the management of wastewater treatment systems in Chinese rural areas, Water Science and Technology, Vol. 84, pp 1518-1526
X. Liang, Y. Liang, C. Chen, and M. P. van Dijk, 2020, Implementing Water Policies in China: A Policy Cycle Analysis of the Sponge City Program Using Two Case Studies, Sustainability, Vol.12, pp 5261-5273.
X.Liang, 2018, Integrated Economic and Financial Analysis of China’s Sponge City Program for Water resilient Urban Development, Sustainability. Vol.10, pp669-681
X. Liang and M. P. van Dijk, 2015,Identification of Decisive Factors Determining the Continued Use of Rainwater Harvesting Systems for Agriculture Irrigation in Beijing, Water, Vol.8 (1), pp7-18
X. Liang and M. P. van Dijk, 2012, Cost benefit analysis of centralized wastewater reuse systems, Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, Vol.3 (3), 2152-2812
X. Liang and M. P. van Dijk, 2011, Economic and financial analysis on rainwater harvesting for agricultural irrigation in the rural area of Beijing, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Vol.55, pp 1100-1108.
X. Liang and M. P. van Dijk, 2010, Financial and economic feasibility of decentralized wastewater reuse systems in Beijing, Water Science and Technology, Vol.61, pp 1965-1973.