现任职位: 副教授
办公电话: 0755-2691 3405

孔祥天瑞,男,现任澳门永利集团官方入口官网供应链管理系长聘副教授,特聘研究员,博士生导师,澳门永利集团官方入口官网经理助理。研究领域为智能拍卖、实物互联网(Physical Internet)、决策优化,研究成果已发表在40多个国内外知名期刊,包括《中国管理科学》,Transportation Research Part B, Transportation Research Part E, International Journal of Production Economics, IEEE Transaction on Automation Science and Engineering等。出版《数智化生鲜农产品拍卖机制与运营优化》专著1部。获得中央领导正面批示的国家级资政报告2项。


他也是深圳市政府“孔雀计划”海外高层次人才,深圳市南山区领航人才,永利集团荔园优青,中国管理现代化研究会管理与决策科学专业委员会理事,中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会高等教育管理分会理事,广东经济学会理事,深圳市物流与供应链专家委员会委员,国际权威期刊Industrial Management & Data Systems编委。



2.实物互联网(Physical Internet)理论及应用



香港大学 工业与制造系统工程系 博士


04/2017 至02/2019 永利集团 澳门永利集团官方入口官网 交通经济与物流管理系 副研究员

03/2019 至03/2024 永利集团 澳门永利集团官方入口官网 交通经济与物流管理系(供应链管理系) 助理教授

03/2024 至 今 永利集团 澳门永利集团官方入口官网 交通经济与物流管理系(供应链管理系) 副教授


(1)   科研论著


1)孔祥天瑞,徐素秀,黄国全,秦开大.(2022).数智化生鲜农产品拍卖机制与运营优化(ISBN 978-7-5218-3148-1),经济科学出版社.


3)孔祥天瑞,王超,徐素秀,罗浩.(2023).数字经销平台统采共配双层拍卖机制设计.系统管理学报,32(4), 651.

4)K. Yu, P. Yan, Xiang T.R. Kong*, L. Yang, & E, Levner. (2024). Sequential auction for cloud manufacturing resource trading: A deep reinforcement learning approach to the lot-sizing problem. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 188, 109862.

5)Xiang T.R. Kong, Miaohui Zhu, Y. Liu, Kaida Qin & G. Q. Huang. (2022). An advanced order batching approach for automated sequential auctions with forecasting and postponement. International Journal of Production Research, 1-16.

6)Xiang T.R. Kong, Miaohui Zhu, Kaida Qin, & Pengyu Yan. (2022). Demand-predictive storage assignment mechanism for flower auction centers, International Journal of Production Research, 139(106):1-30.

7)Xiang T.R. Kong, X. Wang, Y. Fu, & H. Luo. (2022). Revenue optimization approach for auction logistics center: an investigation of Chinese flower market. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 1-25.

8)      Miaohui Zhu, Frank Y. Chen, Xiang T. R. Kong, Kaida Qin. (2022). Data-driven storage location method for put system in Chinese flower auction centers, International Journal of Production Research, 118(106).

9)Xiang T.R. Kong, Kai Kang, Ray Y. Zhong, Hao Luo, Su Xiu Xu. (2021). Cyber physical system-enabled on-demand logistics trading, International Journal of Production Economics, 233.

10)Chaojie Guo, Russell G. Thompson, Greg Foliente, Xiang T.R. Kong*. (2021). An auction-enabled collaborative routing mechanism for omnichannel on-demand logistics through transshipment, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 146.

11)Xiang T. R. Kong, George Q. Huang, Hao Luo*, Benjamin P.C. Yen. (2018). Auction Logistics in Perishable Supply Chain Trading: State-of-the-art and Research Opportunities, Industrial Management & Data System, 118(8), 1671-1694.

12)Xiang T. R. Kong, S. X, Xu*, Meng Cheng, George Q. Huang. (2018). IoT-enabled Parking Space Sharing and Allocation Mechanisms, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 15(4), 1654-1664.

13)Xiang T. R. Kong, G.W. Chen, George Q. Huang, Hao Luo*. (2016). Ubiquitous Auction Learning System with TELD (Teaching by Examples and Learning by Doing) Approach: A Quasi-experimental Study, Computers & Education, 111, 144-157.

14)Xiang T.R. Kong, Ray Y Zhong, GY Xu, George Q. Huang*. (2016). Robot-enabled execution system for perishables auction logistics. Industrial Management & Data System, 117(9), 1954-1971.

15)Xiang T.R. Kong, Ji Fang, Hao Luo, George Q. Huang*. (2015). Cloud-enabled real-time platform for adaptive planning and control in auction logistics centre, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 84: 79-90.

16)Xiang T.R. Kong, Jian Chen, Hao Luo, George Q. Huang*. (2015). Scheduling at an auction logistics centre with physical internet. International Journal of Production Research, 54(9), 2670-2690.


1)H. Luo, Z. Zhong, Z. Tan, & Xiang T.R. Kong*. (2024). Synchronised warehousing and transportation operations of export containers considering supply chain disruptions. Ocean & Coastal Management, 251, 107070.



4)Jiehui Jiang, Xiang T. R. Kong*, Hing Kai Chan. (2023). Omni-fulfillment network design for supply chain service platform considering cost, service and resilience tradeoffs, Advanced Engineering Informatics, 57, 102103.

5)M. Guo, Xiang T. R. Kong, H. K. Chan, & D. R. Thadani. (2023). Integrated inventory control and scheduling decision framework for packaging and products on a reusable transport item sharing platform. International Journal of Production Research, 61(13), 4575-4591.

6)Xiang T.R. Kong, H. Luo, E. Ballot, George. Q. Huang. (2022). Driving the Physical Internet for Large-Scale Industry-Wide Deployments: A Perspective Based on Global Theoretical Frontiers, International Journal of Production Economics (108680).

7)W. Wu, Z. Zhao, L. Shen, Xiang T. R. Kong, D. Guo, R. Y. Zhong, & G. Q. Huang. (2022). Just Trolley: Implementation of industrial IoT and digital twin-enabled spatial-temporal traceability and visibility for finished goods logistics. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 52, 101571.

8)Hao Luo, Siyu Tian, Xiang T. R. Kong*. (2021). Physical Internet-enabled customized furniture delivery in the metropolitan areas: digitalization, optimization and case study, International Journal of Production Research, 139.

9)K. H. Leung, H. C. W. Lau, D. Nakandala, Xiang T.R. Kong*, G. T. S. Ho. (2021). Standardizing fresh produce selection and grading process for improving quality assurance in perishable food supply chains: an integrated Fuzzy AHP-TOPSIS framework, Enterprise Information Systems, 15(5):651-675.

10)C. Z. Li, Z. Chen, F. Xue, Xiang T.R. Kong*, B. Xiao, X. Lai, & Y. Zhao. (2021). A blockchain-and IoT-based smart product-service system for the sustainability of prefabricated housing construction. Journal of Cleaner Production, 286, 125391. (ESI 高被引论文)

11)Xiang T.R. Kong, Ray Y. Zhong, Zhiheng Zhao, Saijun Shao, Ming Li, Peng Lin, Yu Chen, Wei Wu, Leidi Shen, Ying Yu, George Q. Huang. (2020). Cyber physical ecommerce logistics system: An implementation case in Hong Kong, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 139:0-106170.

12)Xiang T.R. Kong, Xuan Yang, K. L. Peng, Clyde Zhengdao Li. (2020). Cyber physical system-enabled synchronization mechanism for pick-and-sort ecommerce order fulfilment, Computers in Industry, 118:0-103220.

13)Y. Wu, C. Zhou, W. Ma, & Xiang T.R. Kong. (2020). Modelling and design for a shuttle-based storage and retrieval system. International Journal of Production Research, 58(16), 4808-4828.

14)Hao Luo, Xuan Yang, Xiang T.R. Kong*. (2019). A synchronized production-warehouse management solution for reengineering the online-offline integrated order fulfillment, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 122:211-230.

15)Xiang T.R. Kong, H. Luo, G. Q. Huang, & X. Yang (2019). Industrial wearable system: the human-centric empowering technology in Industry 4.0. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 30, 2853-2869.

16)J. Chen, M. Wang, Xiang T.R. Kong, George. Q. Huang, Q. Dai, & G. Shi. (2019). Manufacturing synchronization in a hybrid flowshop with dynamic order arrivals. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 30, 2659-2668.

(2)   专利成果

1)  发明专利,笼车分配方法、装置、计算机设备及存储介质(2019107721988)

2)  发明专利,一种单元化智慧仓库动态配置方法及终端(2021103783677)

3)  发明专利,一种统采共配双层拍卖方法、系统及计算机可读存储介质(实质审查)

4)  发明专利,一种数字化拍卖平台拍卖参数动态优化方法及计算终端(实质审查)

5)  实用新型,一种智能拣货包装台(2021209191495)

6)  实用新型,一种用于周转共享物流箱的BOM配置装置(2021207212957)

7)  实用新型,一种智拣货车(2021207793584)

(3)   招生要求


(4)   博士后要求
