现任职位: 助理教授

高欣,女,博士毕业于浙江大学管理学院,英国诺丁汉大学访问学者,现任职澳门永利集团官方入口官网金融与财务实验中心助理教授。研究领域涉及并购重组、信息中介和企业投融资等,在《Journal of Empirical Finance》《Pacific-Basin Finance Journal》《Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money》等国内外期刊发表学术论文。




2014.9-2018.6 南京大学 商学院 管理学学士

2018.9-2023.6 浙江大学 管理学院 管理学博士

2021.9-2022.10 诺丁汉大学 访问学者


2023.08至今 永利集团 澳门永利集团官方入口官网金融与财务实验中心 助理教授



[1] Huang, W., Xu, W., Gao, X., Li, D., Fu, W., 2023. Terrorist attacks and CEO compensation: UK evidence. Research in International Business and Finance, 64, 101861.

[2] Xu, W., Chen, Y., Gao, X.*, Wang, Y., 2023. Business strategy and stock price crash risk: international evidence. Applied Economics, 55, 1098-1113.

[3] Jin, Y., Gao, X., Li, D., 2022. The effect of individualism on bank risk and bank performance: an international study. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 80, 101634.

[4] Gao, X., Xu, W., Li, D., 2022. Media coverage and corporate risk-taking: international evidence. Journal of Multinational Financial Management 65, 100738.

[5] Zhu, D., Gao, X.*, Luo, Z., Xu, W., 2022. Environmental performance and corporate risk-taking: evidence from China. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 74, 101811.

[6] Xu, W., Gao, X., Xu, H., Li, D., 2022. Does global climate risk encourage companies to take more risks?. Research in International Business and Finance 61, 101658.

[7] Xu, W., Gao, X., Li, D., Zhuang, M., Yang, S., 2022. Serial acquirers and stock price crash risk: international evidence. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 78, 101538.

[8] Gao, X., Xu, W., Li, D., Xing, L., 2021. Media coverage and investment efficiency. Journal of Empirical Finance 63, 270-293.

[9] Xu W., Zuo Y., Gao X., Yao M., 2019. The influencing factors of satisfaction and lending intention in online lending investment: an empirical study based on the Chinese market. Accounting & Finance 59, 2045-2071.


[1] Xu W., Gao X., Zhu, D., 2022. Merger, acquisition, and restructuring. Zhejiang University Press.